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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What;s Normal?

Am I?
Aren't I?
I don't know

Lately, I just want to eat homemade food
Just want to lie from one to another side of my bed
Just want to read my favorite books in my spare time
Just want to laugh at a korean variety show
Just do simple thing and just be happy

Is it normal?
Is it?
Isn't it?

Sometimes I want to mingle with many friends
want to know what's hot nowadays
want to know what's the latest gossip
want to know where is the hippest place

It's normal right?
Of course it is!
Isn't it?

Sometime I think that I don't really need anyone out of family
Because family come first
And family will be our first place to run
Because family will protect and believe us no matter what happen

Am I to old to be normal?
My age just twenty something, but sometimes I feel like I was born with an old soul
Am I too pushy?
Am I too perfect thingy?
I don't know

Am I?
Aren't I?
I don't know

Is it normal?
Is it?
Isn't it?

It's normal right?
Of course it is!
Isn't it?

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