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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Time Flies

Time flies
That's one of many cliche phrase we all are agree
When we were a child we believe big things, that we can be a pilot, space traveler, or a president!
There are fairy worlds, tooth fairy, and aliens!!
Our believes still can happen and maybe still there, but we driving to the another way, another direction, on our way

We become someone with somber feeling
We know which dream can accomplish and which one is better be just a dream
We have to focus on our dream! the one that we choose
Because anything our dream is, we have to be the best of it

Best thing comes out from best determination
Best dream is not be a President anymore, but do best in what we love!
Time flies
That because of it, time flies
We can't dream many things and hope that we can accomplish all of them
We're not that lucky!
We have to choose, that live is all about
Choose to wake up early, we choose to skip the school, we choose to chase our dream, and many more

Time Flies



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