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Semua kata diatas berarti SELAMAT DATANG! dari Indonesia.
Semoga kalian-kalian yang mengunjungi blog ini akan merasa nyaman dan nggak pulang pulang kaya Bang Toyib, atau malah kesasar Nyari Alamat Palsu kaya Ayu Ting-Ting,,,,,,,
Semoga betah dan nggak kapok mampirr. :D

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Ini Cinta

Karena hidupku begitu berharga maka kau tidak boleh merusaknya
Karena hidupku bahagia maka kau tidak boleh membuatku terluka
Karena aku begitu disayang dan dicinta maka kau juga harus melakukan hal yang sama

Monday, May 26, 2014

Kiss Me Now! *my first english short story*

Okay, this is so not good, I'm here for thirty minutes and I can not look away from that hot, firm body. Oh I like some pervert girl. I'm here with my newly two months neighbor. we just meet personally in this pool, we are not close enough to hang out. I find him attractive just thirty minutes ago, because he just wearing a trunk? *ugh! I'm really a pervert one. No no no, I don't know how to explain, but I just feel that I can't stay away from him now or ever. Oh I'm so shallow.      

"Okay, what next?" I ask him after we did some sit ups. we have been warming up for twenty minutes. I look at him and find that he stares at me. Oh- this - is- so- not- good, his eyes are so beautiful. Bright brown, with thick eyelashes.

Future seems so dark

I don't really think about it yet
It seems so far away, but in reality it's just here, now
we're creating the path now, our future is created now
I have no idea who I will be ten years later, two years later, even a week later?
It seems so far,
I just can do my best now, or trying to do my best
Even it's just a trial it feels hard

no motivation
no passion
like nightmares