Welkom! Wellcom!!benvenuto!willkommen!Bienvenue!!
Semua kata diatas berarti SELAMAT DATANG! dari Indonesia.
Semoga kalian-kalian yang mengunjungi blog ini akan merasa nyaman dan nggak pulang pulang kaya Bang Toyib, atau malah kesasar Nyari Alamat Palsu kaya Ayu Ting-Ting,,,,,,,
Semoga betah dan nggak kapok mampirr. :D

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Dear Love


Banyak banget yang ingin gue bilang sama lo, tapi gue sebagai cowok yang nggak ngerti masalah cewek, nggak ada pengalamannya, apalagi masalah manis-manis sama cewek begini, susah bilang langsung ke lo.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Time Flies

Time flies
That's one of many cliche phrase we all are agree
When we were a child we believe big things, that we can be a pilot, space traveler, or a president!
There are fairy worlds, tooth fairy, and aliens!!
Our believes still can happen and maybe still there, but we driving to the another way, another direction, on our way

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Love Yourself

I like being myself, it's not because I'm popular or something, no! Big No!
I'm just an ordinary girl, with ordinary life, and ordinary friends.
It's just,,, I hate when I tried so hard to impress people, to make them like me.
I think everyone have the right to be liked, to be loved even without they trying. *I'm sorry if my grammar is bloody mess, cut me some slacks ;)*

I think that if I tried too hard to impress people, I'd lose myself in the process
I'll be someone else

Yeah everything has the "but" thing...

But we can't live alone, we need many people around so we  can function..
How can we have many people around us if we can't make them like us first?
How can they love or like us if we not try at all..

*is that even a word? oh whatever*

We just don't have to try too HARD
Don't have to lose in that process too DEEP

Just enjoy the company,
You're worth it :D

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

We NEED Love

What is the LIFE without the DREAM?
What is the DREAM without the FIGHT?
What is the FIGHT without the FAITH


What is the FAITH without the LOVE...?

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Ini Cinta

Karena hidupku begitu berharga maka kau tidak boleh merusaknya
Karena hidupku bahagia maka kau tidak boleh membuatku terluka
Karena aku begitu disayang dan dicinta maka kau juga harus melakukan hal yang sama